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An In-Depth Bible Study on April 20 - the Gospel of Matthew

You are invited to an in-depth Bible study on Matthew.

  • Text – the Gospel of Matthew itself
  • Each session – one hour and 40 minutes long including a short break
  • Weekly Meeting date – Tuesday 5:30 p.m.
  • Starting Date – April 20, 2021

This is an in-depth Bible Study to reflect on biblical and practical implications of what Matthew wanted to tell his audience. It is to help you lay down the foundation of how to read and connect key elements; and to grab a comprehensive picture of Matthew, one of the Four Gospels that were written by first eyewitnesses and have served as the foundation of the rest of the New Testament. If you are interested in learning and growing in your spiritual journey, sign up to participate in the group study, and you will be contacted. God is good!

Currently Registered

Sharla Bloebaum JGail Miller
Karen Smith

An In-Depth Bible Study – The Gospel of Matthew

April 20, 2021 @ 5:30 pm - 7:10 pm

Attendance: 3 / 20

Registrations are closed for this event