Promoting and engaging in holy living

“Therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed. Like obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; for it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’”

(1 Peter 1:13-16, NRSV). (Also refer to 1 Peter 3:15)

What kind of hope holds you up in uncertain future? The pandemic makes things harder and more uncertain. The scripture rekindles the “hope” in us, which has its origin with Jesus and finds its destiny on “the grace” that he will bring on the day when he reveals himself to all. It reminds us of the significance of a privileged relationship with Jesus our Lord. The privilege is granted to those who choose to hear him, to learn his word, and to believe in his name, the name above all the names in the world and the name that gives power to live as God’s children.

Ask yourself this simple yet fundamental question: “What makes me different from others who do not know Jesus?” Many years ago, Peter answered the question on behalf of us when he truly came to realize who he was and what he was: Peter was chosen by Jesus but denied his relationship with his “Teacher and Lord” (John 13:13); yet, Peter’s unfulfilled love was rekindled by the grace of Jesus rooted on his love and care for his disciples. Having learned the significance of his love-relationship with Jesus, Peter appealed to his fellow believers who lived in Asia Minor where Christian movement was very active. He reminded them of the hope that sprouted when they accepted Jesus as their Lord as they were to endure to the end all sufferings and hardships that would come their way keeping their faith in Jesus. Peter knew that their hope was to be set and guarded on the promise that Jesus would bring on his second coming. He knew what made them different from those who belonged to the world: they were chosen and offered as “spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God” (1 Peter 2:5).

While he encouraged fellow believers reminding them of their relational identity, Peter also gave them a lifelong directive to keep them holy and sought to protect from evil ones. He did not want them to be caught off guard: they were to prepare their minds for action just as you are to prepare your mind for action that is needed at any moment for a glorious victory in Jesus. Engaging in this spiritual battle, you set your hope in the hope that will come true and find its ultimate fulfillment in the coming of Jesus. Peter clearly distinguishes those who belong to Jesus from those who belong to the world: the former is to promote a holy living because they belong to Jesus, holy, chosen, and precious in God’s sight (1 Peter 1:16; 2:4).

Advent Season is another opportunity to renew and promote our relationship with Jesus in a spiritual journey of taking actions in repentance and reflections on some practical implications of his coming. Today is another time to prepare your mind for action that will keep you on guard for a final glorious victory in Jesus. Even though there are more stress, more troubles, and more uncertainties, you have Jesus who sustains your life for a holy living, and life continues in Jesus. Therefore, remind yourself of what to do. Stay safe! Stay healthy! Stay connected with Jesus and with one another in writing of prayer and care. God is good!

In God’s Grace,
Pastor Paul Lee

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